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« We Needed a Study to Figure This Out? | Main | Toe Cleavage: Offensive to the Legal Profession? »

Jun 04, 2008


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wvu 09

how do we actually CHANGE? im fed up with this. this week i got kicked out of a meeting b/c there might be harsh language unsuitable for a lady. its 2008. why is this still happening?


The other problem is - what if the "Women's Czar" thinks they know how to effect change but they really don't?

As an example I'll use a firm where I had previously worked. There were a number of summer associates of color who were concerned that a number of remarks by partners showed a real insensitivity toward issues of race and gender. None of us thought anyone was trying to be malicious or consciously exclusionary. In trying to show its sensitivity, the firm chose a minority female associate to try to understand what the issues were. This associate took a bunch of the minority associates to lunch and bluntly said, "What's this problem I hear about minority summers?" To which, of course, the summers looked down at their plates and said, what, no problem, there are no problems here...

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