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Mar 05, 2008


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Marc J. Randazza

Nicole, very poor ethics in quoting me there. If you continued, you'd see that the paragraph continues:

I just don’t make value judgments about someone’s sexuality. If a woman or a man is promiscuous and they are happy — they can be a slut if they want, or not.

You'll also note that I said "women," not kindergarteners. Nevertheless, for the record... my girlfriend and I both giggle when we call each other "slut." I could (but wont) name at least a half a dozen female friends who use the term endearingly and humorously.

The point is, the word means what you want it to mean. If you want to give it such talismanic power, go ahead. But don't judge me (or anyone else) for not being so willing to give it that kind of power.

I can embrace your point, without agreeing with it, that I'm wrong about "slut" being a defamatory term. But your post is not really about the issue I discussed, is it?

If you are interested in promoting some kind of agenda, at least be ethical about it.

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