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« Work/Life Balance CLE | Main | Litigating As A Woman Attorney--It's Quite The Balancing Act »

Feb 19, 2008


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Why emphasize a biological neurological difference between men and women? There may be a difference in skills such as spatial reasoning and short-term memory, but how do you know this is a result of genetics and not a result of the socialization process? Questions to consider. Studies have shown that in some cultures besides ours, differences in spatial reasoning between men and women do not exist.


Why emphasize a biological neurological difference between men and women? There may be a difference in skills such as spatial reasoning and short-term memory, but how do you know this is a result of genetics and not a result of the socialization process? Questions to consider. Studies have shown that in some cultures besides ours, differences in spatial reasoning between men and women do not exist.

Niki Black

I think that ignoring the biological/neurological differences between men and women is a mistake. Quite frankly, I'm convinced that some do exist.

(And, as an aside, I think that understanding the biological differences, at the very least, would result in better health care for women. Using the male form/systemic reactions as the norm in med schools is a bad thing for women.)

That there are differences, whatever they may be,doesn't make one gender superior to the other--just different in some ways. And, if those differences result in women performing more poorly on a standardized test such as the LSAT, then the LSAT needs to be tweaked until it is no longer stacked in favor of one gender over the other.


Why do you assume the test is at fault and not the takers ??? Maybe males tend to study longer, or use more effective study techniques ?????


richard: seeing as the women tended to have higher gpas, most likely they have better study habits, etc and might have done better if the test had not been at least a little biased.

Support Person

We agree with your article, but we believe that more women should apply for more scholarships to close that gender gap. Search for more information.


Men simply have greater variation then women, so there are more brilliant men then brilliant women, and more retarded men and retarded women -- its a fact of life. Men also have a slightly higher average IQ then women (1-3 points).

Anything that tries to hide this fact is sexist and discriminates against men.

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