Legal Definitions

Define That Term #321

Dictionary_2 The most recent term was dynamite charge, which is defined as:

An judge’s admonition to a deadlocked jury to go back to the jury room and try harder to reach a verdict. The judge might remind the jurors to respectfully consider the opinions of others and will often assure them that if the case has to be tried again, another jury won’t necessarily do a better job than they’re doing. Because of its coercive nature, some states prohibit the use of a dynamite charge as a violation of their state constitution, but the practice passed Federal constitutional muster in the case of Allen v. Gainer. The instruction is also known as a dynamite instruction, shotgun instruction, Allen charge or third degree instruction.

NY Law Guy got it right and Vickie Pynchon's guess was pretty close as well.

Today's term is:

reading on.

As always, educated guesses are welcome-dictionaries are not.

Define That Term #319

Dictionary_2 Last week's term was offensive collateral estoppel, which is defined as:

A doctrine that prevents a defendant from re-litigating an issue after it has been lost. For example, if your neighbor sues you for putting up a fence on his land and the court rules that your fence extends beyond your property line, you can't later file your own lawsuit seeking a declaration that the property line is incorrectly drawn.

No one guessed this time around. 

This week's term is:

utility patent.

As always, no dictionaries, please.

Define That Term #318

Dictionary_2 Last week's term was estoppel by silence, which is defined as:

A type of estoppel that prevents a person from asserting something when she had both the duty and the opportunity to speak up earlier, and her silence put another person at a disadvantage. For example, Edwards' Roofing Company has the wrong address and begins ripping the roof from Betty's house by mistake. If Betty sees this but remains silent, she cannot wait until the new roof is installed and then refuse to pay, asserting that the work was done without her agreement.

No one guessed this time around.

This week's term is:

offensive collateral estoppel.

As always, no dictionaries.

Define That Term #317

Dictionary_2 Last week's term was promissory estoppel, which is defined as:

promissory estoppel
A type of estoppel that prevents a person who made a promise from reneging when someone else has reasonably relied on the promise and will suffer a loss if the promise is broken. For example, Forrest tells Antonio to go ahead and buy a boat without a motor, because he will sell Antonio an old boat motor at a very reasonable price. If Antonio relies on Forrest's promise and buys the motorless boat, Forrest cannot then deny his promise to sell Antonio the motor at the agreed-upon price.

(2) A legal doctrine that prevents the relitigation of facts or issues that were previously resolved in court. For example, Alvin loses control of his car and accidentally sideswipes several parked cars. When the first car owner sues Alvin for damages, the court determines that Alvin was legally drunk at the time of the accident. Alvin will not be able to deny this fact in subsequent lawsuits against him. This type of estoppel is most commonly called collateral estoppel.

Edward Wiest got it right!

This week's term is:

estoppel by silence.

As always, no dictionaries, please.

Define That Term #316

Dictionary_2 Last week's term was estoppel in pais, which is defined as:

equitable estoppel: A type of estoppel that bars a person from adopting a position in court that contradicts his or her past statements or actions when that contradictory stance would be unfair to another person who relied on the original position. For example, if a landlord agrees to allow a tenant to pay the rent ten days late for six months, it would be unfair to allow the landlord to bring a court action in the fourth month to evict the tenant for being a week late with the rent. The landlord would be estopped from asserting his right to evict the tenant for late payment of rent. Also known as estoppel in pais.

No one guessed this time around.

Today's term is:

promissory estoppel.

As always, educated guesses are welcome, but dictionaries are not.

Define That Term #315

Dictionary_2 Last week's term was specification, which is defined as:

In patent law, the narrative portion of a patent application, which includes descriptions of the purpose, structure and operation of the invention, as well as a discussion of any relevant prior art. Essentially, the specification must provide enough information about the invention so that a person proficient in the area of expertise involved in the invention could build and operate it without having to be overly creative.

No one guessed this time around.

Today's term is:

estoppel in pais.

As always, no dictionaries.

Define That Term #314

Dictionary_2 The most recent term was jus cogens, which is defined as:

Principles of international law so fundamental that no nation may ignore them or attempt to contract out of them through treaties. For example, genocide and participating in a slave trade are thought to be jus cogens.

NY Law Guy got it right!

Today's term is:


As always, no dictionaries please.

Define That Term #313

Dictionary_2 The most recent term was preference relative, which is defined as:

An immigration term, preference relatives means the married children of U.S. citizens, children over 21 of U.S. citizens, the spouses or children of green card holders, and brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens where the U.S. citizen is at least 21 years old.

Preference relatives must usually wait to get a green card, because only around 480,000 green cards are available to preference relatives in total per year. Preference relatives wait in line based on their “priority date,” which is set when their U.S. citizen or permanent resident petitioner first filed a visa petition for them.

Jeffrey's guess was awfully close.

Today's term is:

jus cogens.

As always, no dictionaries please.