Round Up: Robot Lawyers, Document Management Software, Productivity Tips, & More
March 14, 2018
I often write articles and blog posts for other outlets and am going to post a round up here from time to time (but won't include my Daily Record articles in the round up since I re-publish them to this blog in full). Here are my posts and articles from February 2018:
- Here's the legal lowdown on document management software (ABA Journal)
- Running With The Robots At Legalweek (Above the Law)
- Practice With The Robots: Use AI To Launch And Run Your Small Law Firm (Above the Law)
- The Transition to a Paperless Law Firm: Dispelling the Myths (MyCase Blog)
- Ask the Experts: Organizational Hacks for Small Firms (MyCase Blog)
- Inbox Zero for Attorneys: How to Unclutter Your Inbox (MyCase Blog)
- Increase Efficiency With These 5 Paperless Law Office Tips (MyCase Blog)