Cloud Computing and the Electrical Grid, Part 2
When Does Contact Via Social Media Constitute a Crime?

Law Made Fun Through Harry Potter's Adventures

Karen bookLast week I mentioned that my co-author, Carolyn Elefant (with whom I co-author Social Media for Lawyers: The Next Frontier), recently updated and revamped her well known primer for solo attorneys, "Solo by Choice: How to Be the Lawyer You've Always Wanted to Be."

This week, I'd like to highlight a new book written by my other co-author, Karen Morris (with whom I co-author Criminal Law in New York). Karen recently published a new book, "Law Made Fun Through Harry Potter's Adventures" along with her co-author Bradley Carroll. 

Here's a brief description of the book:

If you love wizards, witches, and Hogwarts, and if you are curious about the law, this book is for you. It explores the intersection of Harry Potter's adventures and the law of our society.

You may have read all the books in the series, repeatedly seen all the movies, and yet never realized that the story includes many, many legal issues. Or you may have identified legal matters in the books but never knew if they were true-to-life.

This book will expand your horizons by introducing you to the law using Harry's world and his adventures as the guide.

I love the concept of this book! If you're a lawyer (or lawyer-wanna-be) who loves Harry Potter or you've got a child who is interested in Harry Potter (and who isn't?) who is also considering whether to be a lawyer, this would be a great present for the holidays. You can buy it here.


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