The New York Legal Blog Round Up
January 26, 2009
It's Monday and time for the weekly round up of interesting posts from my fellow New York law bloggers:
Coverage Counsel:
New York Attorney Malpractice Blog:
New York Civil Law:
New York Injury Cases Blog:
New York Personal Injury Law Blog:
Simple Justice:
The Elliot Schissel New York Law Blog:
Wait a Second!:
Thank you very much for the link!
Posted by: Benjamin Wolf | January 26, 2009 at 01:19 PM
Nikki, for some reason, the link to my blog never works. Any idea why?
Posted by: Andrew Bluestone | January 27, 2009 at 06:15 AM
Andrew-It's got something to do with the format of your blog and the way that I copy and paste blog post titles/links.
Most blogs have post titles that are linked to the post's link. In other words, the title of the post is also a live link. So, w/ most blogs I simply copy and paste the title and it's already linked for me when it's pasted into my blog post.
Your blog--(looks like it might be a blogger blog underneath it all?)-does not do that. So I have to cut and paste the title and then go back to your blog, scroll to the bottom of the post, and copy the link location then go back to my blog, highlight the name of the post and create a link. Ends up being a multi-step process-more room for error. And, for some reason, when I copy the link location from your blog, it never seems to come out right. Not sure why.
Either way, it takes me around 20 minutes to pull together a post of link round ups, which is usually 20 minutes more than I've got-so I tend to rush the process.
Sorry about the errors re: links to your blog. I assure you, it's inadvertent;)
Posted by: Nicole Black | January 27, 2009 at 07:11 AM