New NY Blog of Interest
Define That Term #247

Top 10 Blawgs

Blawgs I've been tagged in a meme.  Much thanks to Eric Turkewitz of the New York Personal Injury Law Blog for including Sui Generis in the list of his 10 favorite law blogs. 

In fact, both of my blogs have been tagged in this meme, and I'm at a loss as to how to create 2 lists of 10 different blogs that have not yet been tagged in this meme.

I've decided there's simply no way to do that, so I'm simply going to pick my top 10 favorite blogs, from the perspective of "Serious Lawyer Niki" here at Sui Generis and from the perspective of "Niki-who-thinks-lawyers-take-themselves-too-seriously" over at Legal Antics.

So, without further ado, Serious Lawyer Niki's list is as follows:

1.  Inside Opinions:  Legal Blogs--Great and timely commentary on the legal blogosphere.

2.   Feminist Law Professors--A daily must read and a reminder that we need to stop the insanity!

3.   Simple Justice--Scott Greenfield never fails to offer thoughtful posts regarding criminal justice issues and more.

4.   New York Civil Law--Matt Lerner offers insightful legal analysis for New York lawyers.

5.   My Shingle--Carolyn Elefant's blog--full of interesting posts for every lawyer, not just solos.

6.  New York Personal Injury Law Blog--Even though Eric nominated Sui Generis, I couldn't leave his memorable  blog off this list.  He discusses the litigation system from the perspective of a New York plaintiff's attorney.  His viewpoint is never boring and always informative and insightful.

7.  Point of Law--Always interesting commentary on the U.S. litigation system.

8.  Build a Solo Practice, LLC--Lots of useful information for solos and would-be solos.

9.  TalkLeft--The place to go for liberal political talk with a criminal justice slant.

10. Indignant Indigent--Criminal law, New York style.


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Scott J. Kreppein

I wasn't surprised to see that my blog didn't make any of the lists. I don't think anyone has actually read it other than friends who I have personally contacted and been like: hey, check out my blog. (Matter of fact, most of them probably haven't read it either).

On the other hand:

1. The Consumer Law and Policy Blog (, has long been one of my favorites.

2. The WSJ Law Blog (, seems to be a staple of the blogosphere, even if it conservative. And,

3. Findlaw's Writ (, although somewhat academic, often has intriguing posts.

Ann Bartow

Hey, thanks! And consider this an open invitation if you ever want to guest blog.

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