Tagged. It's a first.
December 28, 2006
I've been tagged by Jim Milles. This is a first for me, but I guess I'll play. Here are 5 little known things about me (and I'll follow Jim's cue and include a false one):
1. I attended my first year of college at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, and then transferred to the University of Rochester.
2. I've never broken a bone. My worst non-surgical injury thus far was a sprained pinkie finger.
3. My mother dragged me kicking and screaming to my first concert when I was 12--James Taylor. If only I could have appreciated it as I would now!
4. I love all sorts of outdoor activities.
5. I secretly enjoy driving our minivan.
I tag Richard, Happy Feminist, Legal Mystenigmary, Slickdpdx, and Anthony.
Who's the slowest kid on the blaw-k? that would be me -- somehow I missed this -- my first tag too!! have to get on that -- I didn't realize you're a fellow alum, tho -- fun fact!
Posted by: Baby Lawyer | April 19, 2007 at 04:46 PM