UPDATE: New NY 60 Day Motion Rule
January 04, 2006
Thanks to Andrew Lavoot Bluestone of New York Attorney Malpractice Blog for providing me with additional information regarding the new 60-day motion rule that I'd posted about previously. As set forth in the New York Law Journal, the new rule will be effective as of January 17, 2006 and is an amendment to s. 202.8 of the Uniform Civil Rules. Subdivision (h) will be added and will read as follows:
(h) 60-Day Rule. If 60 days have elapsed after a motion has been finally submitted or oral argument held, whichever was later, and no decision has been issued by the court, counsel for the movant shall send a letter to the court alerting it to this fact with copies to all parties to the motion.
Also, Matt Lerner over at the New York Civil Law blog noted that the Uniform Rules for the Commercial Division will also be amended and will include a similar provision, as set forth in this press release.