Via Ipse Dixit:
Here is an exchange I had recently in a DUI case:
Cop: (some bullshit that doesn't go with my theory of the case and that I suspect he is making up)
Me: What is that opinion based on?
Cop: My experience. And experiments.
Me: Experiments? What experiments would those be?
Cop: Just some experiments I have done.
Me: At whose direction were these performed?
Cop: No one.
Me: Under whose supervision were they performed?
Cop: No one.
Me: Do you have a degree in chemistry?
Cop: No.
Me: How about biology?
Cop: No.
Me: How did you record this experiments?
Cop: I didn't really record them.
Me: Did you publish these results?
Cop: No.
Me: Has anyone ever recreated these experiments and gotten the same results?
Cop: No.
Me: Have you ever actually been trained in how to conduct a scientific experiment?
Cop: No.
Me: So you really have no science background whatsoever, right?
Cop: No, um, not really. Then I got bored of making him look like a tool and moved on.
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