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June 19, 2007


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By looking at the results, it appears someone at ATL has nothing better to do than "vote early and vote often." Just how pathetic is that?

John Lopresti

This life is too serious to laugh away on comedic blogs of legal persuasion. However, discovering your contest today, pitting an array of blogs all of which I have yet to visit even fleetingly, against one another, in the spirit of refreshing ones legal ken, I offer the following three links, one to a respected appellate attorney's article posted on a national law news site, the other two items products of a terse academic's insight at Yale, an institution known more for a somber and sober worldview than for professorial levity in words.

Hopefully, I will find time to visit here again for some humorous renewal.

The links:

Bashman on how long a jurist needs to be deceased before his voting privileges in critical cases become null and void: or, as Howard B phrases it, "Dead Judges Voting: When Does Life Tenure End?".

The academic blurbs by professor Jack Balkin:
his article during the furor over the immigration last year when congress failed to make new law, casting a glance at the hopes and aspirations of Jewish emigrees in eastern US sixty years back Oy vey! Der Star spengld bener! which is a translation of the US anthem into Yiddish language.

Lastly, the academic again, this time a little satirical, and by waxing political, diluting somewhat the impact of an otherwise airy rendering of the current president and his conduct of foreign policy, in which he writes with mock seriousness.
Footnote: In preview, this website seems to prevent embedded tags, so the 3 above are typed out below:
Judges: http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1140170716316

Anthem: http://balkin.blogspot.com/2006/04/oy-vey-der-star-spengld-bener.html

Satire: http://balkin.blogspot.com/2006/06/tales-of-horror-from-dr-distracto.html

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