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June 13, 2007


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anonymous pat

I might consider nominating David Lat's site Above the Law (http://www.abovethelaw.com), if it were more focused on humor and less on spewing RNC talking points.


Abovethelaw.com wins! Best legal blog ever. hands down.



Although officially defunct, wings and vodka was one of the funniest blogs on the internet, period, much less about law (or law school, more specifically)


Lowering the bar is at the top.

Above the Law is at the bottom.


anonymous lawyer


Above The Law!

Nasty, Brutish & Short

Wait! My blog also has a tantalizing mix of humor, law and the RNC's talking points. I nominate Nasty, Brutish & Short!


Above the Law





I'm pretty sure two of the writers for this blog are lawyers. Does that count? If you're a Cubs fan, the fake news things are freaking hilarious. http://www.cubsbrickyard.com

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