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nikiblack: Question: Why do you follow people onTwitter? Is it for info? Entertainment? Bec. they follow you? A combination all 3? Some other reason?
nikiblack: 2d Question: Why do you unfollow people on Twitter?
AndrewMcRoberts: @nikiblack All 3. Plus est'g expertise, and reaching and engaging potential referral and client sources.
dmourey: RT @nikiblack Question: Why do you follow people onTwitter? I say twitter isn't stupid if u follow smart ppl. i follow ppl who help & r fun
Kennerknecht: @nikiblack Mostly for info and to network. Sometimes b/c they follow me. Rarely for entertainment.
karen_from_ohio: @nikiblack Mostly for unique information; then for updates on friends and causes
Kennerknecht: @nikiblack Usually unfollow b/c of info overload or no value/engagement
jmckeever: @nikiblack unfollow those who tweet a bunch of links in a row w no context- obvious spambots. if one is particularly vitriolic all the time
johnnybluenote: @nikiblack Here are my reasons 4 following and unfollowing :-)
another_pd: @nikiblack I unfollow those that, on a regular basis, fill my stream with things I'm not interested in.
CherylMcKinnon: @nikiblack 3 top reasons for me: 4square abuse, ipad obsessive, boring
bsajdak: @nikiblack Primarily entertainment/friendship; info is bonus
bsajdak: @nikiblack When they get annoying.
another_pd: @nikiblack Might as well ask why I talk to people at a cocktail party, or invite them to a party. Interesting, friendly, entertaining.
nickpurifoy: @nikiblack Frequent useless posts. Too many useless posts creates too much "noise" and can drown out useful or interesting content.
erwiest: @nikiblack My take: no probability of useful/original/engaging info, no follow. Rarely drop otherwise active follows.
rbcarter: @nikiblack #1 reason why I unfollow someone is they tweet excessively & purposelessly (
roundtrip: @nikiblack I follow for info & entertainment. Unfollowing to limit noise and "tune for signal" See Three Places for People
lawscribe: @nikiblack unfollow (paticular orde): 1. My tastes change. 2. Their tastes change 3. They tweet too often and clog my timeline
lawscribe: @nikiblack oh, and 4. Exclusionary - look how cool our little group is and 5. Consisten denigration of others.
roundtrip: /@nikiblack My model for #Twitter is "tuning the dials" to select and participate in global conversations I find interesting and rewarding.
nooption: @nikiblack unfollow reasons: people who unfollow me, prefer it as a conversation tool rather than a listen only
keavneylaw: @nikiblack I follow people on Twitter because they have something interesting to say. I unfollow if it turns out i was wrong about that.
sarahnregan: @nikiblack I follow about 150 people per @evbogue's suggestion . I like a mixture of entertaining tweets and good links.
Beatepdx: @nikiblack I follow for Info,Entertainment & for "likability" reason. I unfollow if neither is there :) Happy Sunday!
Fclatty: @nikiblack All ads + no info + no entertainment + no personal relationship = unfollow.
drakowski: @nikiblack Why I follow? Folks with interesting things to say. Why I unfollow? Porn stars, folks who use "OMG", those who market too much ;)
TomGallagherLaw: Most common: no follow-back; next tweet overload; next 2 much promo RT @nikiblack 2d Question: Why do you unfollow people on Twitter?
TomGallagherLaw: Combo: interest, fun, mutual support; follow-back is last but a must RT @nikiblack Question: Why do you follow people onTwitter?
dgulbran: Too much marketing, not enough conversation. Or too boring. :) // 2d Question: Why do you unfollow people on Twitter? /via @nikiblack
econwriter5: @nikiblack I follow ppl for news/info, engaging convo and views different from my own.
econwriter5: @nikiblack Block more than unfollow; mostly spam or protected tweets. Don't know what they tweet, no interest in following.
dishonblock: @nikiblack - Our account is still pretty new, but sometimes unfollow people who don't reply to dm's or @ 's consistently.
mchangesq: @nikiblack To discover, follow and build trends. The answer to the 2nd question is when something or someone no longer serves that purpose.
kristahiner: @nikiblack Unfollow -- people who repeatedly RT info/links w/o giving credit; & people w/ pointless tweets who don't participate in convos.
kristahiner: @nikiblack Follow -- mostly only when they write about things i'm particularly interested in. i.e.: law, music, observational humor, etc.
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